What women don’t say
I’m borrowing the title of a very famous song to put the focus of the January Red Tent on the unspoken
We live in a social context in which unspoken words (of men and women) are the order of the day but perhaps women’s unspoken words are something different …
Maybe they are something ancient because the feeling is that women have stopped saying what they think, what they feel, what they would like, what they don’t want, and whatever else emerges from the depths of their hearts ….much time ago
It has become more than a habit, it has become an attitude, a way of being, a way of living, perhaps a way of protecting oneself and …
However, the unspoken are splits of life of the strongest intensity, which as they add up acquire exponential scope and can become real detonators
and when a woman detonates, explodes, she can do a lot of harm and get a lot of hurt, a lot depends on the way she does it and the direction (does she explode or implode?).
What are your unsaid? What led you not to say, omit, conceal … until perhaps you forgot?
With the energy of the New Moon, or Black Moon, that is, that moon that is there but is in shadow, concealed, we give space to WHAT WOMEN DON’T SAY
Let us entrust the New Moon, with its powerful renewing energy, with our lifelong unspoken words to begin this new year lighter and more aware.
See you FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 6:30 p.m.
at Le Maree Center Corso Torino 9/1 corner of Smyrna Street
for info and reservations: info@francescadalessandro.net