Dear friend,

wonderful rich and brave woman…

I see you tired, confused….almost lost. Your energy is down and you seem to have lost your way.

The light you shone with at the end of summer, the cheerful and purposeful tone, the planning and the desire to do a lot of things … seem to have faded.

The confusion increases ….and you wonder what is going on …how come you feel, after taking 10 steps forward in the last few months, that you are taking 11 steps backward?

How come those feelings of lightness and confidence are gone? Maybe it was just “phony”? Maybe it was only temporary but …after all, you’ll think, you can’t change that much …

Doubts, fears, shadows resurface

Dear friend, I am writing to you, to share something that is important for you to know.

You are part of a “whole” , of a system much much bigger than you, and this system is marked by the alternation of day and night, light and dark, and is linked to the lunar cycles and the changes that Mother Nature puts in place during the different seasons of the year.

Have you ever thought that we are moving from autumn to winter? Have you ever thought that we are going through the “darkest” time of the year? Have you ever thought that right now Mother Nature is inviting us to descend into the World of Shadows?

Hard to think so when everything around us always seems to flow in the exact same way, totally disconnected and divorced from any contact with what nature suggests.

Animals prepare to hibernate …what about us? we try to speed up more and more to meet our daily commitments, but also think about Christmas shopping, and then making trees and then planning lunches and dinners and then planning some trips to relax.

We make an indescribable effort to be able to afford perhaps …a day off ??!! Do you realize dear friend what madness we are led to live without even realizing it? We only realize that we are experiencing feelings of heaviness and that “we are not fit” as usual to cope with everything.

But the problem is not you with your “different”, less expansive, less, less bright, less positive state …. the problem is having completely lost connection with your true nature and thinking that what is natural is instead “a disease” or discomfort or something wrong.

So I am writing to remind you of all this to invite you to get back in touch with seasonality to understand what is happening to you and learn how to “treat yourself well” by respecting your needs and allowing you to flow as Mother Nature suggests.

Before we get to the winter solstice on Dec. 21, a time from which the days will return to having more Light than Darkness,
we have to go through the “darkest time” of the year
…. a time when we probably feel in a special way the burdens and responsibilities … a time a time when we are called to descend into the World of Shadows.

Just thinking about it this “World of Shadows” is scary, worrisome, tiresome … but the Shadow World is “simply” our “underworld,” under the armor, under the ideas, under the masks … the underworld is the world of our roots, of our essence, of nourishment, of our true strength.

Many of us are facing this descent alone, and while it is true that each has this journey to make for herself, it is equally true that together, united by our common thread we can contribute to each other’s discovery and healing.

Enjoy this crescent Moon a “feminine, mysterious, introspective Full Moon, repository of secret designs” (citing The Magic Cauldron) and if you wish we can go through the bad weather of winter together by being in the Red Tent circle.

Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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