Theater&TangoOlistic Seminar “The Trust” – March 9, 2019

Metamedicine and Surroundings

If you are reading these lines it is probably because Theater and/or Tango have attracted you and you are ready to experience

If at this time you are experiencing difficult relationships, conflicts, poor physical and emotional well-being, tensions, worries, fatigue … this workshop series is for you!

3 opportunities to play, feel, taste, smell…bring all the senses into play and let the body do the talking, lead us, give us experiences…new or simply forgotten

With Ilaria Scaliti pedagogist counselor and actress.

“All the world is a stage and we are all called upon to play endless roles, but if each of us were asked to put ourselves in each other’s shoes what would happen?
Have you ever wanted to get inside each other’s heads? Have you ever said to yourself I want to be you for a day?
By playing and experimenting, through our creativity and theatricality, we will discover together that we can satisfy the need to know and understand each other’s points of view.”

With Francesca d’Alessandro operator trainer of TangoOlistico®.

“We will play with our masculine and feminine polarities, we will experience different parts of ourselves , especially the active, determined, solar, masculine part and the receptive, lunar, sensitive, feminine part that each person has within him/herself. Through the particular kind of contact in the tango embrace we will learn about and improve the way we relate to each other, increasing our level of inner and relational well-being.”

TangoOlistico® is not an Argentine tango class but rather an opportunity to discover and understand parts of oneself; it is not necessary to know how to dance or come in pairs

3 pleasure appointments,

Because personal growth also goes through there!

SATURDAY, MARCH 9 from 2:30 to 6 p.m.


Workshop dedicated to the theme of TRUST: What is trust for you? What is your relationship with trust? How confidently do you move through life? what scares you? How can you improve the quality of your relationships by expanding your trust space?

Through theatrical techniques of play and simulation and the body work of TangoOListic, with the powerful support of music, heart-to-heart contact in the embrace, and the roles (male and female) of tango they will experience the relationship we have with trust right now: what is the way we trust (or do not trust) others? How much do we trust ourselves? Where does our relationship with trust come from?

As always, it will also be possible to do some individual work to help participants in the awareness process.

for more info and registration click here or email



Written By Alexandra Francesca D'Alessandro

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